Affiliate Disclosure

By using and visiting, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to knowing the following:

1. We participate in affiliate marketing and link to products that are offered by 3rd-party vendors for a commission when you make a purchase. We may or may not receive compensation when you make a purchase from a 3rd-party vendor. We are not responsible for any issues with your transaction through a 3rd-party vendor. Some of the Affiliate companies we work with include Amazon and Commission Junction, two leaders in the industry.

2. The only information we will ever ask for is your email when you sign-up to our email newsletter. We never collect or store any other personal information.

3. We use Google Analytics with all advertising features enabled. We may collect data via Google Advertising cookies that can be used for Remarketing.

4. We may run paid advertisements on channels like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

5. We do not ever run advertisements or gear content towards individuals 13 and under.

6. We never process transactions or store any financial information.

7. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

8. Any click on that leads to an external source could be an Affiliate link and we may or may not receive compensation from the sale.